2013-12-14更新:尼玛的脑残无聊蛋痛!既然知道得这样的话为啥要兜一个脑震荡剧情出来呢???????或者说你出脑震荡剧情,Smackdown就别叫Alberto Del Rio出去表演啊?!这般虚假消息最终唯一导致的结果就是让别人认为剧情组是傻逼,ADR没事找事,明明没事却装作挺严重的样子,双!重!失!败!

xrspook:脑震荡???????因为top-rope sunset flip powerbomb??????怎么可能!!!擂台比赛,而且是没有特殊规则/道具的比赛让Alberto Del Rio脑震荡这是相当困难的,毕竟这货的条件反射已经可以自然而然地会保护他了。鉴于下周就是WWE PPV TLC 2013,显然至今Alberto Del Rio都毫无安排,不排除这是一个安排下台阶的剧情。


Alberto Del Rio Update, Former Tough Enough Contestant At WWE Tryouts, Bellas Edited, More

By Raj Giri | December 13, 2013

WWE.com reports that Alberto Del Rio passed his ImPACT test after suffering a concussion during a match with Sin Cara on RAW this past Monday night. However, it may be a storyline update as the article states that Del Rio will “be in action on SmackDown tonight” after passing the test. SmackDown was taped this past Tuesday, the night after he suffered the concussion, and Del Rio never ended up getting physically involved during the show. Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com reported today that Del Rio will be reevaluated this Sunday.


UPDATE: Alberto Del Rio suffers concussion on Raw


December 13, 2013

SEATTLE – WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio suffered a concussion during a match with Sin Cara on the Dec. 9 edition of Raw, according to WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann.

After speaking with Del Rio following his match, it was determined that he suffered the injury as a result of a top-rope sunset flip powerbomb. Following some initial testing, Dr. Amann diagnosed Del Rio with a concussion and will be re-evaluating him tomorrow, as well as administering an ImPACT test to determine a timetable for the former World Heavyweight Champion’s recovery.

Stay with WWE.com for more on Del Rio’s condition.

UPDATE: WWE.com can confirm that Del Rio passed his ImPACT test and will be in action on SmackDown tonight.


Alberto Del Rio suffers concussion on Raw


December 09, 2013

WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio suffered a concussion during a match with Sin Cara on the Dec. 9 edition of Raw, according to WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann.

After speaking with Del Rio following his match, it was determined that he suffered the injury as a result of a top-rope sunset flip powerbomb. Following some initial testing, Dr. Amann diagnosed Del Rio with a concussion and will be re-evaluating him tomorrow, as well as administering an ImPACT test to determine a timetable for the former World Heavyweight Champion’s recovery.

Stay with WWE.com for more on Del Rio’s condition


右侧,你别这么讽刺会死啊!!!!!!今天SUPERSTAR SPOTLIGHT的主角是ADR?!!!!!


By Mike Johnson on 2013-12-09 23:46:07

WWE diagnosed Alberto Del Rio with a concussion following his match with Sin Cara. A report on their website noted that he will be evaluated tomorrow and won’t return to action until he is cleared by the company’s testing.


Alberto del Río sufre una conmoción cerebral en WWE RAW

10 diciembre 2013 zackdeporte

La superestrella de la WWE, Alberto del Rio, sufrió una conmoción cerebral luego de su combate de su combate en WWE RAW ante Sin Cara.

Así lo informo la WWE, en su pagina de internet, en una nota que señala que después de que el ex Campeón Peso Pesado luchara ante el enmascarado, habló con el Dr. Chris Amann, quien luego de realizar las pruebas iniciales pertinentes determinó la lesión.

Según lo informado, el mexicano sufrió esta conmoción luego del top-rope sunset flip powerbomb de Sin Cara.

Por ahora se espera realizar a Del Río nuevas pruebas mañana y así determinar la gravedad de la lesión y cómo ésta afectaría su calendario, dependiendo del tiempo que tome su recuperación.

Cabe destacar que en la promo final de WWE RAW, Del Río estuvo presente, aunque no se involucro físicamente en la trifulca en la que terminó el programa.


Alberto Del Rio Injury: Updates on WWE Star’s Concussion and Return

By Tim Keeney (Featured Columnist) on December 10, 2013

Alberto Del Rio suffered a concussion during his WWE Raw match with Sin Cara on Monday night, and he will be re-evaluated on Tuesday to determine the severity of the injury.

WWE.com provides the news:

After speaking with Del Rio following his match, it was determined that he suffered the injury as a result of a top-rope sunset flip powerbomb. Following some initial testing, Dr. Amann diagnosed Del Rio with a concussion and will be re-evaluating him tomorrow, as well as administering an ImPACT test to determine a timetable for the former World Heavyweight Champion’s recovery.

Del Rio appeared to hit his head extremely hard on the mat (you can see the match here; the spot occurs just after the two-minute mark), and it’s pretty clear that this isn’t part of the storyline.

As such, you can probably expect the company to keep it safe with the 36-year-old. He was lacking a little bit of direction—Monday marked his second straight loss to Sin Cara—and had yet to be booked for Sunday’s Tables, Ladders and Chairs PPV, so this is as good a time as any for a break.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated as more becomes known.
